Be a coffee drinking individual and...espresso yourself!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Slacker? Ouch guys! ...but I get the hint. Apparently the only people reading this thing are my best friends (friends? in Australia and my BF. Kind of pathetic, but hell...writing this thing is a hell of a lot better than doing actual work at work. *big smile*


There are so few many firsts in life, that you learn to cherish the ones that are tossed your way. I got to play toothfairy. I guess to the non-parental unit, this is not such a big deal, but to me it was. Alex came bounding home from school a few weeks ago exclaiming "I've got a wiggler!". As he stuck his finger in his mouth and pushed around the loose tooth, my stomach lurched. I hate loose teeth. I was the kid who never touched the loose tooth and let it sit there for as long as possible before it fell out on its own. My next dilemma was finding out the going rate for the Tooth Fairy to leave. After surveying co-workers, friends and parents, I got a range of $1-$20! Figuring I had time to deal with this, I decided to sleep on it. Now if you know my kid - he is stubborn, strong willed and once he sets his mind to something , there is no stopping him. His life's goal for 24 hours was to get that tooth out of his head. A phonecall from the BF the next morning at work announced that biting into a Pop-Tart did the trick and out it came. I have to go to the ATM. I decided that $10 for a first tooth was that, coupled with a trail of fairy dust (scrapbook glitter) to his pillow made him a very happy camper. Three more teeth are now loose - so looks like the Tooth Fairy gets to don her wings again soon.

Halloween was a blast. My guy decided to be a Red Power Ranger....I thought they were only popular in the 80's, but I am guessing they are making a comeback. Wonder if I should break out my jellies and my Frankie Says Relax t-shirt? We went trick-or-treating with my co-worker and her two daughters. We have done this the past three years, so it was a lot of fun continuing the tradition. It was unseasonably warm which made the evening even better.

How time flies. This Saturday, Alex turns 6. Unlike the usual birthday extraveganzas, this year is going to be rather tame. Mom needed a break. We are having his party at The Westchester Skating Academy and the theme is Spongebob on It turns out that this was a lot less work for me - so 20 kids and 30 adults later, I have managed to make the party favors, Thank You cards and get everything together with days to spare. Go me (go us, actually my BF had a huge helping hand in this whole thing). The day after the party we are taking him into the city to see The Grinch on Broadway. This should be a very busy weekend - but will post pictures when I can.

Other news....Bec call me!

End of post.....happy guys?


Blogger ResearchGuy® said...

Let us be grateful for technical assistance :)

2:53 PM  
Blogger BecF said...

whoops...forgot to thank you for your gracious can we have another??? Perhaps on a certain young mans b'day seeing as you didn't reply to my email!!!! *grins* (just to show I am not mad)

Kinda can't afford to call sorry!!!

Can we arrange to perhaps update the blog on a every other day basis? I'll even settle for weekly!! LOL

Belated Happy Thanksgiving.. I ate some turkey for ya!

Love n Hugz

7:49 AM  

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